A downloadable game for Windows

Combat turn-based game, with the Lord of the Rings as an inspiration, made for USRS45 (Introduction to C#, no OOP) at the CNAM-ENJMIN. (C#)

Made with Visual Studio, it contains 6 unique roles and three difficulties (with a well worked AI). A story is also available in three rounds and the graphics clarify the different actions.

That project was made with Diane AVEILLAN & Thibault VINCENT.

GitHub : https://github.com/EnkiBachelier/OneRingToKillThemAll


ProjectOneRingToKillThemAll.zip 5 MB

Install instructions

Unzip the folder, open "ProjectOneRingToKillThemALL" and launch "ProjectOneRingToKillThemAll.sln" with Visual Studio.

Enjoy the game !

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